It was a beautiful day for a ride! Eleven Kitties met at the QT at 21st and K96.
We had a guest rider today. Susan brought her friend, Dally (Dallas). Kari said it would be great if she joined our club we could call her “Dilly.” Obviously I got a kick out of that. Lol
Unfortunately, poor Maureen’s battery died after getting gas. Melaina and Brenda stayed back with her as they waited on Christine’s husband, Dorrin, to come to the rescue. I’m not positive on all the details of how everything worked out. All I know is we were happy to see the three of them roll into the parking lot of Genova’s safely.
Sheryl took lead on this 4-hour ride. From east Wichita to Council Grove with a quick gas up, then went back the way we came and dropped south to Newton from Cassoday. She did a phenomenal job getting all of us to our destination! Thank you, Sheryl. Donna swept and was helpful on the way to Genova’s when Dilly’s glasses went flying down the road. Luckily, they found them and were able to catch up quickly!
Genova’s had our back area ready for us. We walked in and was instantly greeted with “Kitties, how was your ride? It’s good to see you!” from our favorite waitress.
Kathryn, Bobbie, Stella, Cina and Tina met us at the restaurant.
Did I mention it was a beautiful day for a ride? Just making sure.
It actually got a little chilly during our ride, but we were so thankful the rain stayed away.

We definitely missed our club photographer!
Thank, you ladies, for a wonderful day!
Submitted by Jennifer
KKMC Member