May 6th is International Female Ride Day so LET’S RIDE!
Meeting location: The QuikTrip at 61st St. and 135 in Park City – 928 E. 61st St. S.
Meeting time: 10:00 am with kickstands up at 10:30 am.
Lunch: True Lies Ranch Hand Cafe and Steakhouse. We will take be taking the back roads and will not be on highway 254.
What to bring: Cash for the 50/50 drawing ($5.00 for six tickets.) Also, several years ago, I passed out KKMC International Female Ride Day buttons. If you still have yours, be sure to wear it. For those who are new or those who can’t find your button, I’ll bring a supply. I’m including a picture as a reminder of what you’re looking for.
Ride or Drive: Meow Mixers are always a ride or drive event. I understand people may be coming from something else or have to go somewhere after, so don’t let being in a car stop you from attending.
Lead Riders: Stephanie Cole and Lily Nordyke.
Sweep Riders: I need two volunteers please!
I will post the route directions a day or two before the ride. Stephanie and Lily, I’ll get the route to you asap.
RSVP: Please RSVP by by Thursday, May 4th.