Kitty Konference

The majority of those who voted indicated that February 11th works for them, so that’s the date for the Kitty Konference.
While attending the Konference is not mandatory, I strongly encourage you to attend as a lot of items are discussed and plans will be made for the 2024 season. If it’s not possible to be there in person, minutes will be sent out a day or two after the meeting. I also strongly encourage you to read those when you receive them so you are aware of items discussed and decisions made. There have been requests to Zoom in for the meeting in the past. We’ve tried that and it doesn’t work well.
Pizza will be provided courtesy of KKMC. Please bring your own beverage. No alcohol please!
You should have received the annual KKMC annual survey via email. Please let me know if you did not receive it and I’ll send you the link. For those who will not be rejoining next year, it’s not necessary to complete the survey. For everyone else, completing the survey IS mandatory, so please take a few minutes to fill it out. It’s super simple to do and the information gathered helps me with setting up the agenda for the Kitty Konference. If you don’t complete it, I will be following up with you, so help a girl out and please get it sent in. I’ve received 19 surveys so far, so we’re off to a good start!