February Winter Event

See that rock in the picture? I painted it. It looks difficult and tedious, but if I can do it, you know it can’t be that hard. If you want to know the secret to producing a beautiful rock of your own, you won’t want to miss this event!

We’ll begin with meeting for lunch at 11:00, location to be determined. We’ll then go Douglas Avenue Assembly of God Church where the rock painting workshop will be held.  Suz Tiede and I will lead the workshop.


There are special tools that must be purchased to do this painting. I will get that for everyone through Amazon. However, you MUST RSVP by February 4th. I will place the order for tools on that day and I will only place one order. Any latecomers will be responsible for getting their own tools, which will then have to be numbered according to our numbering system. Rocks will also be purchased on, or shortly after, February 4th. Latecomers will have to get their own rock and have it prepped.

If you don’t respond at all by February 4th, I’ll assume you are not going and nothing will be purchased for you.

Please RSVP by February 4th if you plan to attend as this is what I will go off of to make all the purchases.

If you sign up to attend and cancel at the last minute, you will still need to pay the fee as supplies will have been purchased for you.

The fee for the class is $20.00 to cover the cost of all the supplies.

For this workshop, we have selected a different pattern and colors from the picture above, so be prepared to be amazed!


Family Promise Volunteer Training

As we discussed at the Kitty Konference, anyone interested in engaging with the families in a volunteer capacity with Family Promise must attend a training session. If you choose to volunteer but will not have contact with the families, you are not required to attend this session. You are welcome to invite friends and family to this event if they would like to be involved.

I was able to confirm that we can hold our Rock Painting event at the church so we will already be where we need to be at 4:00. This means we will need to adust the lunch location to a place closer to the church. We will work on that and then amend the February Winter Event.

Please RSVP by February 27th so we know who to expect. If you plan to have friends or family attend, please let me know.

The Church address is 4501 W. Douglas.

Thank you!

PS: If you are unable to attend this session but still want to volunteer, there are training sessions throughout the city at different churches. Let me know if you would like to know more about that and I’ll get the information to you.

Annual Safety Meeting

Join us for brunch and our annual Safety Meeting at The Fusion Restaurant. Our Safety Officer, Dawn Morse, will be presenting important safety information such as hand signals, pulling over with a disabled biker, riding on gravel, riding in the rain, checking your bike before a ride, group formation, group riding, entering and exiting a highway and more. We will also leave time for Q&A.

Safety is the #1 priority for KKMC. Fun is #2. Please make every effort to attend this event so we can be educated on how to get all our Sisters home safely from each ride.

Please RSVP by no later than March 4th.

January Winter Event

What could be more fun than tacos and arcade games?!

Plan to meet at District Taqueria, 917 E. Douglas, for lunch. Following lunch, drive the short distance to The Arcade for some old-fashioned fun. The Arcade is at 139 N. Mead.

Please RSVP by January 13th.



Kitty Konference

The majority of those who voted indicated that February 9th works for them, so that’s the date for the Kitty Konference.

The location is at Central and Rock Road on the east side of the street. You will enter the building at the west door, which will be locked. Text either Nellie or I and someone will let you in.

Nellie: 316-734-9086
Janice: 316-250-1137

Pizza will be provided courtesy of KKMC. There is a vending machine available or you can bring your own beverage.

Please RSVP on this post to indicate whether you will be attending so I have enough handouts.
